May 2, 2024

Hi LinkedIn friends,

Last week was a Scorpio full moon, and what an intense week!

Shoutout to my fellow Scorpios out there.

No, I’m not a big follower of astrology.

However, each sign has an essence that can resonate with us at different times.

If you allow it, it can invite a deeper sense of inner awareness.

Awareness is everything.

Scorpio’s full moon invites us to dig deep into our subconscious mind.

Interestingly enough, the subconscious is the part that houses all our beliefs.

These beliefs have been forming since the moment we were conceived.

Some of them even get passed down through generations.

Do you repeat sayings or things your grandmother or father used to say?

(Sometimes without even realizing it’s meaning)

That’s the power of the subconscious.

It is said that we spend about 90% of our time in our subconscious.

This means that less than 5% of our time is spent in a conscious or present state of mind.

So, these beliefs co-create our entire reality depending on how or where we grew up.

Influencing every aspect of life, from…

Money to relationships, careers and everything in between.

These beliefs throughout our entire lives become so embedded into everything.

At times, it is challenging to see beyond it.

Especially as we get older, we become more attached to those beliefs.

Even if they’re not serving us.

In my signature breathwork program, I ask my clients to go through an exercise where they ask themselves;

  • What beliefs do I hold that do not serve me anymore?


  • What beliefs do I hold that do not align with the future version of myself?

This is an important step and the first step in transforming, and it all starts with a decision to change our beliefs.

Because beliefs hold energy, which creates emotions.

Emotions influence around 80% of our experience.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

Emotions can change our DNA, which is tied to our biological age.

A study showed that negative emotions shorten telomeres (part of our DNA structure), whereas positive emotions lengthen them.

Humans who live the longest have the longest telomeres.

So, is there a connection between our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings and how long we live?


You and I know it deep down in our bodies.

Disclaimer: there’s nothing wrong with feeling negative emotions.

However, if you’re consistently feeling anxiety, which is simply fear, you may be holding fear-based beliefs that are keeping you perpetually stuck.

And so it’s time to get unstuck.

Here are four steps to get unstuck:

  1. Give yourself permission to feel your emotions.
  • Emotions are there to guide us, to help us understand what beliefs we’re holding.
  • Therefore, we miss valuable information if we choose not to feel, which many of us do.

Need help?

  • I offer emotional healing through something called Neo Emotional Release, which helps you release emotions through somatic healing.
  • Learn more here.

2. Connect with your breath.

  • Our breath is the pathway to reconnect with our emotions through the body.
  • Manipulated breath patterns, such as holotrophic breathing, help us assess our subconscious and clarify what keeps us stuck.
  • Try my guided breathwork track on Spotify for instant relief from stress and anxiety, or book a 1:1 session here.

3. Identify the beliefs, write them down, and ask yourself for evidence.

  • Our evidence often stems from the past; however, it does not determine our future.
  • Be mindful that you are not projecting past experiences to your future.

4. Ask yourself three times, is it really true? (but is it)

When we breathe, drop in and get calm in our nervous system, we realize our beliefs may not resonate with who we are (really) or know ourselves to be deep down.

This is often because, at some point, we’ve experienced our #higherenergy, which challenged those beliefs, yet due to fear and conditioning, we chose to believe those beliefs and keep operating out of fear.

I know this because that is exactly how I realized I was destined to become a breathwork instructor and spiritual coach.

Yet, my fear-based limited beliefs made me scared to follow my heart.

Those beliefs held much power over me.

In many ways, they were true, and external experiences reflected my beliefs.

So, to become who I was (really), I had to challenge those beliefs.

And wow, was it hard.

Everything in my body was fighting against me because my body, my subconscious, was locked into a fear-based reality.

And it took me 4.5 years to finally have the courage to step in and claim who I am.

Breathwork, somatic healing, and emotional release are tools that helped me manage that process and reconnect with my #higherenergy.

This is why having a coach can be life-changing.

Let me share a similar success story of a recent client named Amy.

She was the top-performing director of a large financial services corp for 20+ years.

Under toxic leadership, she was informed she would not receive her annual bonus, for which she had worked incredibly hard.

(Even though she met her quota).

On top of that, she had just overcome cancer.

She heard about my work through a colleague and called me as a last resort.

Very quickly, I realized Amy was battling herself because of her own fear-based beliefs that we’re programmed from childhood.

Beliefs around not being good enough and being afraid to ask for more.

Which was keeping her stuck in a loop.

Session after session, we regulated her nervous system through breathwork and emotional release, and with my guidance, we co-created a new belief system around her future vision.

What was the outcome?

Right before our last session, she informed me that not only did she land her dream role at a better company, but her current company also decided to give a bonus on her resignation.

In addition, she told me she had never felt cooler, calmer, or more coherent about herself and her life.


I could barely believe the transformation created in a few short months.

When we change our breath, we allow our emotions, access our beliefs, and transform our lives.

We realize we are SO much more.

And when we realize we are more, we attract based on that frequency of ABUNDANCE.

We all deserve a life of abundance, freedom, peace and harmony.

If you feel called to change your beliefs, connect with your emotions and transform your life, here’s how to connect with me.

  1. Book a 1:1 call with me (I love meeting new people)
  2. DM me on Linkedin and share your limiting beliefs. (Sometimes sharing it with one person can set you free)
  3. Apply for my four-month coaching breathwork program (Only for changemakers and self-leaders ready to make a BIG change)

Till next time.


Kindra Fox


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