August 1, 2024

Hi, Hello Linkedin Friends,

I recently came across a quote that resonated deeply with me.

It’s by the Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis, and it goes;

“I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I am free.”

In our fast-paced lives, stress and anxiety can feel like constant companions.

Many of us misunderstand what stress and anxiety truly are, leading us to feel powerless at times.

While stress can certainly come from overworking or undersleeping, so much of our physiological stress arises from wanting life to be different than how it’s showing up in this very moment.

Consider these scenarios:

  • Another person not meeting your expectations.
  • A situation not going in your favour.
  • An experience you just can’t let go of

These are the real underlying roots beneath our mental and emotional stress.

We struggle against the reality of the present, wishing for something else, and this resistance creates tension within us.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is simply a fear of the unknown.

It stems from a belief that we cannot trust life as it unfolds.

We have plenty of evidence to support this belief—moments when things didn’t go as planned, when we felt let down, or when we experienced disappointment.


If we look closer, we *also* have evidence of times when trusting life led to unexpected and positive outcomes.

We often choose to overlook these moments of trust and focus on the negative, reinforcing our anxiety.

Why is it easier to trust in the worst case than choose to trust in the best case scenario?

Many times, it’s our conditioning and the allowance of our negative self-limiting beliefs that have taken over on auto-pilot.

But life is.

Can you accept what is?

The sooner you accept the present moment—whether it’s self-acceptance or acceptance of another person or a challenging situation—the quicker you can move beyond it.

This acceptance is the path to true freedom.

Freedom is something we all desire.

We want freedom from our expectations and the endless “shoulda, woulda, coulda” thoughts that sabotage our ability to create the life we deeply desire.

A life free of stress and anxiety, and most importantly, a life that supports our true freedom.

Freedom to trust what is.

Freedom to be ourselves, truly.

Freedom to accept ourselves in our wholeness.

Breathe into this: most of the situations or people that stress you out do so because you can’t control the outcome, or they challenge your limited belief systems.

These challenges happen for a reason.

They are opportunities for growth and expansion.

So, trust the process.

Choose to expand in the face of these challenges.

Watch as your mental and emotional stress begins to melt away.

Soon, you’ll find yourself saying, “Anxiety who, what?”


Hi, I’m Kindra.

🌬 I train high-achievers to become coherent self-leaders through breathwork and 1:1 spiritual life coaching.

If this message resonates with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Comment below or share your experiences.

Together, we can navigate the path to true freedom and self-acceptance.

Keep Breathing,


How I can empower you to empower yourself:

  • Book a free 30-minute 1:1 energy alignment call to gain clarity on your next move.
  • Download my 25-guided breathwork track guaranteed to get you reconnected to your #HigherEnergy and release stress and anxiety NOW.
  • Follow me on Instagram for more content and inspiration.


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