Hi LinkedIn friends,
In this newsletter, I want to talk about the process I call — dismantling.
Deprogramming the motherboard so to speak.
You see, we all have an operating system.
Whether we’re aware of it or not.
We’re all conditioned and programmed to think/feel/act in some sort of way.
They say the ages of 0-7 are the most important developmental years of a child’s life.
Our parents, environments and society play such a huge role in who we end up becoming.
Based on this “program”, our nervous system baseline is constantly responding.
The nervous system baseline is unique for each person.
If you grew up in a safe, calm, supportive and nurturing environment then your nervous system developed proper ways to up-regulate and down-regulate.
You may feel a greater sense of trust, ease and flow in life.
(Even when there are challenges.)
However, if you grew up in a chaotic, stressful, or unsafe environment, then your nervous system developed a baseline to stay in chronic survival mode.
You may feel a greater sense of worry, doubt, fear and forcefulness with life.
Our parents often didn’t know ANY other way.
They didn’t receive education on mental, emotional or physical health.
For many of them — living in survival mode was the norm.
So it’s not their fault as much as it’s their fault.
(If you know what I mean)
The thing is; it’s our responsibility to take charge of our own lives.
To not allow our programming or conditioning from our past to dictate our lives.
To dismantle and deprogram the motherboard first, we must take a moment and pause.
To take a deep breath.
To bring in greater awareness.
That’s where it starts.
We need to look closely at our limited beliefs about ourselves, others and Life.
We need to look for evidence to challenge those beliefs.
(No matter how micro it is)
A lot of time we get stuck, blocked or stagnant in life because we cling to this programming.
For many, it’s these common collective beliefs.
“I need to work hard to be successful.”
“I need to control the outcomes or I’m not safe.”
“I need to make a lot of money to be happy.”
“I need to settle down.”
“I can’t take a break or slow down.”
“I need medication to feel better, or else I can’t function.”
“I don’t have enough time.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’ll never be successful if I follow my dreams.”
And these beliefs are not serving us anymore.
Because many of us are waking up.
Many of us are being unplugged.
We are subtly wondering if is it true. ^^
It may be true for some — but maybe it’s because of the programming.
If we changed our beliefs and aligned our energy, would life serve us a different experience?
Many today are asking the question.
WHO am I?
Who AM I (truly?)
And to get beyond our limited mind and programming we *must* return to our source.
Our source is #HigherEnergy which is the location of the heart.
It is known that the Heart is intelligent.
It’s a source of information that is far more intuitive than the brain.
Of course, we need our logic to navigate life.
However, more than ever we need Heart.
Some of you have an unfamiliar connection with Heart.
Maybe your heart led you to Heartbreak.
Maybe your heart brought you to uncomfortable feelings.
Maybe your heart tells you to do uncomfortable things.
You see that is the intelligence working through you.
If you don’t dismantle the programming and start listening to your Heart — you’ve missed it.
You missed the purpose of being here.
And when you’re not living a life of purpose, life feels monotonous.
This is the reality for many people today.
It’s causing accelerated rates of physical, emotional and mental issues.
And I am here to tell you it’s not the way to health.
Our emotional and mental health dictates our health.
Health is WEALTH.
So how does one dismantle the program, lead with heart + live with purpose?
A great place to start is with a consistent regular practice of Breathwork.
Breathwork helps us get beyond our limited minds, rewires our brains, regulates our nervous system and gets us tapped into #HigherEnergy.
This helps pave the way for new ideas, perspectives and belief systems that align with our Nature to drop in vs our nurture.
You may wonder…why dismantle?
Well, like nature sometimes things need to die before they can become reborn.
So dismantling is sometimes the path of least resistance vs upgrading because the foundation itself is unstable.
Ask yourself;
“Does this align with my Heart vs my programming?”
“AM I living a life by default or design?”
If you find yourself aligning with your programming vs the Nature/Heart/Higher Energy then it’s time to dismantle.
The time is Now.
When we dismantle our mental operating software combined with nervous system regulation by utilizing breathwork and meditation the possibilities are endless.
The only thing you need to do is start.
Ps. Here are a few ways I can help you.
- Book a Call
- Downloadmy free 22-min guided track
- Sign up for our 7-day breathwork breakthrough