April 24, 2024

Every transformational journey starts with a decision to change something.

However, many of us try to change from the top down.

They say, “Change your thoughts, change your reality.”

That holds some truth but is lacking some context.

So here’s the thing…

The average human has about 60,000 thoughts per day.

Imagine trying to control or change 60,000 thoughts.

Impossible right?

The key thing to note here is that thoughts only have power once they become beliefs.

A thought can be, “I wonder why Karen didn’t email me back?”

Over time, that thought can become, “Karen doesn’t care about me; I am not worthy.”

The underlying belief is unworthiness.

Which is a very standard self-limiting belief that many of us carry unconsciously.

Especially when we’re disconnected from our #higherenergy

Many high-performers and many of you who follow this newsletter are struggling with this.

In a recent sales mental health study, over 75% of sellers are struggling with mental health.

And what do salespeople do really well?

Measure their worth and value by chasing after numbers.

Where does that come from?

A lack of self-worth.

Mic drop.

Yes, I said it.

Because I was one of them.

For ten years, I chased after success and measured my performance by the numbers on the board.

Until I realized that it was all a cover for low self-worth.

I was operating on a lower frequency.

I attracted opportunities that matched that frequency, and when I looked around, I noticed the people around me vibrating on that frequency as well.

It sparked something deep within, and I realized it’s all energy.

Nikola Tesla famously said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

In other words, it’s all vibes.

You see, beliefs have emotional charges…

They have the power to uplift us and deplete us.

What is important to remember is that there is no wrong or right.

It simply is.

In our universe, we have positive and negative, dark and light.

Beliefs have the power to negatively or positively charge our cells.

The power of our subconscious mind is still widely unknown.

However, science is starting to give us clues that we are SO much more powerful than we realize.

Which is why the placebo effect has been used for years.

So, where do beliefs and emotions live?

In our bodies.

So, to change our lives, we must first change our beliefs, creating new emotional charges that thus influence our frequency.

It’s physics.

So, how do we change our beliefs?

Well, first, we must become conscious.

We must choose to become aware of those beliefs.

And how do we become aware?

It all starts with our breath.

When we breathe consciously and deliberately, we move out of our heads and into our bodies.

We access our subconscious mind, where we spend 90% of our time in space.

Breathwork changed my life so much that I realized I had a deeper passion for working with people through spiritual coaching and breath training.

It allowed me to change my belief systems, giving me the courage and confidence to follow my dreams.

And now, while I still have moments where I struggle with self-limiting beliefs, they have so much less power over me because I can cut through the BS of whatever conditioning or programming I learned and get to the core of my #higherenergyand realize that I am powerful beyond belief.

Because with every breath that we take, we become aware of what is present.

Perhaps what is present for you is…

  • Unprocessed emotions from our past that keep us looped in anger, sadness or grief.
  • Deeply embedded belief systems about money that keep us stuck in a fear timeline, unable to move into abundance.
  • Fear of being vulnerable about what we’re actually feeling keeps us blocked from feeling a connection to self and others.

Whatever it is, to transform, we must decide to change.

And do so from the bottom up.

Breath falls under the category of somatic healing (soma means body), so there’s so much that, as a species, we’re still learning about the body’s power.

However, in my last four years of studying and facilitating, I have seen transformation after transformation by simply changing the way we breathe.

Here’s a recent testimony from a client I worked with in just one session.

“I felt so comfortable and supported in my virtual breath work and neo-emotional release session with Kindra.

With her guidance, I could connect with deep, energetic blocks in my physical body that I wasn’t even aware of. I was given the tools to release them through gentle and directed acceptance and allowance. I released a deep-rooted fear of speaking my truth and allowed my creativity to flow.

I feel so much lighter and connected. I’m buzzing with gratitude and appreciation for this beautiful life and for the opportunity to come closer to true awakening every single day.

Kindra’s knowledge + wisdom around somatic healing will guide you deeper into yourself so that you may deepen your connection to the collective consciousness.”

Jessica O’Kane

So remember, if you want to change your life, start with your breath.

If you’re curious about the transformative power of breath or working with me 1:1, here’s how you can get in touch.

  1. Send me a DM and share yourself vulnerably.
  2. Book a free consultation with me.
  3. Joinour monthly breathwork community workshop.
  4. Download our free breathwork guided track, Rise and Fall.

With love,

Kindra Fox, Higher Energy


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