March 27, 2024

There’s much talk about mindfulness these days…

But not much talk about breathing.

You can practice being mindful all day, but if you don’t change your breathing.

You won’t change.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being aware.

To be in a state of inner reflection, observing our thoughts, emotions, behaviours, etc.

That is, in fact, the first step towards transformation.

But, the real work begins when we intentionally manipulate our breath.

And it’s a lot more scientific than you may realize.

When we breathe in and out through the mouth, we consciously oxygenate our bodies with life-force energy.

What is life force energy?

It’s the unlimited energy resource we ALL have access to, which we call #higherenergy.

It’s the force that powers all life on earth.

Without it, we die.

More oxygen = more life force entering our bodies.

That means a higher amount of oxygen and C02 is being exchanged.

It’s like a recycling system, in with the new, out with the old.

Strengthening your nervous system is the cornerstone of health and vitality.

You quickly realize that breathwork is a tool you can use anytime, anywhere, to release stress and anxiety, achieve balance, and maximize energy.

So, what are the known differences between mindfulness and breathwork?

  1. Mindfulness is a top-down practice that keeps you in mind while observing thoughts.
  2. Mindfulness is a passive practice, meaning you accept and allow what is passing through.
  3. Breathwork is a bottom-up approach that gets you out of your mind and into your body.
  4. Breathwork is an active practice, meaning you can experience breathwork like you would a workout class.
  5. Breathwork is a direct experience with your ability to self-regulate and self-soothe.

If you personally struggled with mindfulness or meditation in the past, you may want to explore a breathwork practice first.

Many people have experienced failure when attempting meditation or mindfulness practices for the first time; perhaps a feeling of overwhelm or anxiety surfaces when one starts to observe oneself.

If our bodies are stressed, and we’re trying to be calm and still in our minds without releasing the stress from our bodies first, we may continue to feel stuck.

This is why breathwork is a truly powerful practice.

With the increased exchange of C02 and oxygen, we can naturally leverage our breath to release stress and anxiety.

Our minds and bodies CAN feel cool, calm, and coherent.

Are you ready to shift your state of being with the power of breath?

Here’s how to empower yourself through Higher Energy.

Keep breathing,

Kindra Fox, Creator

Higher Energy


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