Kindra Fox has changed my life.
She and I reconnected six months ago (after working together at a successful tech company many moons ago), and she has been my Breathwork & Higher Energy Guide ever since. I can’t recommend her enough. She’s truly a special person.
I initially reached out to Kindra when I saw one of her LinkedIn posts, which sparked my curiosity. A few months prior, I had lost a loved one who was incredibly special to me and far too young to leave us. It was a tragic loss, and I was at a low point. I was going through the motions but dwelling on negative thoughts. I had also recently made a big professional shift, partly to find balance in my life. While I made a little progress, I was looking for much more. I was still falling into patterns of workaholism and anxiety that plagued me for decades. As a result, I knew I wasn’t living my best life for myself or those around me. I wasn’t as present for family and friends as I should have been. And I wasn’t as happy as I wanted to be.
Fast-forward six months, and life is so much better. We’ve been working together (weekly over Zoom), and she has taught me so much. Her three-month Breathwork program is incredible. I’m breathing better, more focused on the positive than ever, and sleeping much deeper & better (no more sleep aids!). Also, I feel more present with those around me, and I’m able to regulate my anxiety whenever I feel it rising. It has been life-changing, especially with managing my current energy and output as a new Co-Founder & partner. Without Breathwork, I would have found myself maxed out, unable to perform at my best, most optimal level.
Higher Energy breathwork is so much more than just the physical motion of inhaling and exhaling optimally, though that alone can help much – it’s rather the timeless experience of working 1:1 together, where I get to focus on a wide range of intentions that are personalized in our breathwork sessions, from Awareness (identifying my patterns & self-limiting beliefs) to learning to embody more acceptance, alignment, expansion, attunement, & appreciation in my day to day life & so much more. Kindra is incredibly wise beyond her years, and the conversations we have on these topics are, without exception, captivating and enlightening. I leave every conversation having learned something useful and feeling energized to implement the lessons learned in my personal & professional life.
Thank you, Kindra, for all you’ve done for me. I appreciate your genuine, caring, and nonjudgmental approach, as well as your warmth and kindness. I look forward to continuing this important journey with you.