June 25, 2024

One of the many buzzwords these days is “High Performance” or “Peak Performance.”

We all want it.

We all know we need it.

Yet, so many of us never achieve it.


Well, first let’s explore the word itself and the meanings we give it.

The Latin root word for perform is “funct” which is connected to execute, fulfill and accomplish.

So it would be safe to assume that we all desire to perform higher so we may fulfill or accomplish our goals.

Take a moment and reflect on what high performance means to you.

What comes to mind?

Repeat x 2

How we think about high performance is not always in alignment with how we’re actually living.

There’s a disconnect.

Every week I get the opportunity to meet with high-performers exploring the edges of performance.

And I’ve learned quite a lot.

It’s the ever-eluding quest for more….

  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Presence
  • Consistency
  • Accountability

Because deep down, we all know within our bodies that is what it takes to be on our A-game.

However, there’s a disconnect.

The disconnect is happening between mind + body.

Before I get into that, let’s explore something I like to call, “The Space Between.”

It’s the space you want to be, it’s the space you know you are destined to go however, it’s not where you are RIGHT now.

And yet, you know you are on an edge.

You can taste the possibilities.

You’ve experienced some levels of success and you know there’s more.


Your sleep is off.

Your gut is irregular.

You experience chronic pain.

You are experiencing mid-high levels of anxiety.

Your relationship with your inner world doesn’t match the outer world.

There’s a disconnect.

So many people RIGHT now are experiencing this.


High performance, nervous system health and sub-conscious training go hand in hand.

Our nervous system responds to how we feel.

Our subconscious is made up of what we believe.

And how we feel is based on what we believe.

When our beliefs, emotions, thoughts and behaviours are out of alignment this creates tremendous stress.

Because deep down we know that to perform at our highest level we must be in coherent alignment.

The key to sustainable high performance is learning to master the space between.

The space between is where we can pinpoint where our nervous system is still responding to negative or self-liming beliefs and emotions.

Because our conscious mind works in creativity and innovation.

Whereas our subconscious works in the familiar past often in fear and limitation.

It is said that we spend 95% of our time in our subconscious.

So depending on our programming an expansion can be perceived as bad vs good.

It depends on what we believe.

Our nervous system is in direct relationship to that.

For example, on a conscious level, I know I am destined for a life of abundance, freedom, creativity and peace.

More specifically, I knew I was to become the founder of Higher Energy.

However, on a subconscious level, I was holding onto beliefs from childhood that said…

“I am not free”

“I am not worthy of abundance”

“I am not smart enough to become a founder”

“Chaos gives me energy and peace seems unattainable”

So when I was laid off, which was in alignment with my conscious mind of moving into my highest vision my subconscious and my body fought to keep me in what was familiar.

Even though on a higher level, staying in corporate tech sales wasn’t in alignment my body was attuned to that comfort and safety.

Let me disclaimer something.

Familiar isn’t necessarily “bad”, it can be perceived as safe and it’s important to understand that to move into expansion we must create safety no matter what.

In many ways moving towards that highest vision based on my beliefs didn’t feel safe for my body.

So I needed to create safety in the space between.

First, I knew I needed to review my subconscious beliefs.

Second, I practiced breathwork each day to become conscious and coherent to rewrite those beliefs and regulate my nervous system

This is the key to sustainable performance.

Ultimately, it was through breathwork and somatic healing that I was able to align myself with that vision and here I am writing this newsletter as testimony to that.

Breathwork and somatic healing gave me the tools to go all in.

To move towards my goals with a sense of ease and safety in my body (despite those goals being very unfamiliar to me.)

I am here to help you do the same — to go all in with life and know you are supported.

Because we all DESERVE to be free, abundant, creative and filled with peace.

If you’re on the edge of an expansion or you desire to reach new goals or you know you can perform higher consider mastering that space between breathwork and somatic healing.

Your body, mind and #HigherEnergy will thank you for it.

I truly believe this is the future of high performance.

Who’s ready to get to that next level + live a healthy and sustainable life?

I know I am.

Here’s how I can empower you to empower yourself.

  • Book a 1:1 human connection call (Let’s explore your edges + get you to the next level)
  • Apply for my Four-Month Awareness to Expansion Breathwork + Coaching Program
  • Schedulea 90-min Neo-Emotional Release Session
  • Download my free 25-min guided breathwork track

Keep breathing,



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